Blueprint holds four expressions of faith in tension, with Christ at the centre of everything we do.

Pentecostal Spirituality : Our desire for the tangible presence of God’s Spirit through prayer and the gifts of the Spirit.

Anglican Tradition : Our value on ancient practice and belonging to a movement that transcends our current space and time.

Missional Zeal : Our conviction that Christ calls us to follow the model of his incarnation and to give our lives away in service of the forgotten.

Costly Community: Our commitment that Christian community must be costly, vulnerable and interdependent relationships with one another.

Context: We follow Jesus in Aotearoa, New Zealand. We think land matters to God, so we’re on a continuing and proactive journey to learn what being a faithful partner with Tangata Whenua looks like.


We affirm the Nicene Creed and the Apostles Creed as the basics of Christian belief. We believe that Jesus was really the Son of God, that he died and physically rose again from the dead, and that this event has changed the universe and our lives forever.



Blueprint leadership believe that the best expression of sexual intimacy is in the confines of a committed relationship. We believe covenant, such as that provided by marriage or same-sex blessing, is the most desirable and God-given expression of this. We expect our leaders to uphold this commitment.

We believe that past negative spiritual and sexual experiences can leave long-lasting impressions on people, but we are conscious to use language that encourages our people towards freedom rather than metaphors which suggest we are irreparably broken or damaged.


Blueprint welcomes people of all sexualities and gender identifications. Blueprint offers opportunities to lead in worship, small groups and community leadership to all people based on their sense of call, their character, and commitment to Christ. Sexual orientation and gender identity are not factors towards participation and leadership in Blueprint. 

Blueprint is a Pioneer Mission Unit of the Anglican Church. We therefore operate under the final approved report of the Motion 29 working group which was approved in Motion 7 at General Synod. This allows local Bishops to decide whether they will allow same-sex blessings. Our Bishops in the Diocese of Wellington have allowed this, and it is now the choice of each Priest as to whether they will conduct these ceremonies. Blueprint can provide or refer couples to priests who are happy to conduct same sex blessings.

Within Blueprint you will find a variety of theological perspectives on sexual orientation and gender identification. Members of Blueprint will have arrived at different conclusions on core passages of scripture, but we are passionate that different integrities are held in a spirit of love, understanding and humility. Any discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity should be reported to leadership so it can be dealt with quickly and clearly.

If you would like to talk in person about our full theological perspectives on these or other issues, please contact us at blueprintchurch@gmail.com